R. v. B.A. [Provincial Court, Calgary, April 2016]

B.A. was charged with trafficking cocaine, possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking and possession of proceeds of crime. The Calgary Police Service initiated a large scale drug investigation involving a cocaine trafficking ring that B.A. was alleged to be a part of. An undercover police officer allegedly met with B.A. and purchase several grams of cocaine. The undercover officer paid for the cocaine with several marked bills. B.A. left the scene and was followed and ultimately arrested. The vehicle he was travelling in was searched incident to arrest and further cocaine was located. The marked bills were allegedly found in his pocket. Ms. Fagan was the third lawyer that B.A. had retained to defend this matter. Ultimately, Ms. Fagan secured a stay of proceedings for her client on all charges (i.e. ended the prosecution against him and B.A. received no criminal convictions).